Kin 1876335
10 Tuns 15 Uinals 13 Kins after 2012

2012 reset

Read my course material. Life, the Universe and Everything

Sipp not personalized!           Zoom Date 4 days day Cycle help Cast a hexagram 4ben 1chen
Kin -41
Fri 9/8/2023
J: 13/22/5783
   9 Restrained
  Believe - 7 Genetic revelation - Why I am here? Personal view of religion7 Right Mindfulness
Cac 55    HIS
3 Empress
3 Ghimel 5ix 2chen
Kin -40
Sat 9/9/2023
J: 13/23/5783
   12 Stagnation
  Liberation of Soul - 8 Atomic revelation - Death experience8 Right Concentration
Ctg 56    LEU
2 Priestress
2 Beth 6men 3chen
Kin -39
Sun 9/10/2023
J: 13/24/5783
   25 Innocence
  Liberation of Soul - 8 Atomic revelation - Death experience8 Right Concentration
Cta 57    LEU
2 Priestress
2 Beth 7cib 4chen
Kin -38
Mon 9/11/2023
J: 13/25/5783
   6 Conflict
  Liberation of Soul - 8 Atomic revelation - Death experience8 Right Concentration
Ctt 58    LEU
2 Priestress
2 Beth

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