Kin 1876952
12 Tuns 10 Uinals 10 Kins after 2012

2012 reset

Read my course material. Life, the Universe and Everything

Welcome to the Structure of the Integrative Psycho Philosophy, the SIPP.

This edition is the result of aligning the Mayan tzolkin and haab calendars, the Moon Phase and the Long Count Time Pulses with the powerful ancient wisdom of the Sipp/I Ching . The SIPP in turn is the effort to combine DNA, the I Ching, the Tarot, the Kabalah and the Eight paths to Enlightment into one translating interface. Each system adds information revealing the present day energy emissions and levels.
You can choose how many days to see, enter a special date (your birthdate) or just browse through the meaning of centuries.
I put a lot of effort and 30 years of time into the correctness and alignment of the various systems, Please, if anything appears to be out of place or just wrong, drop me a mail.

The first step is to syncronize the Sipp calendar to You.

Enjoy! Bernhard Pfennigschmidt

Quick links: | Long Count | Haab | Moon | Tzolkin | Sipp | DNA | I Ching
Sipp not personalized!           Zoom Date 4 days day Cycle help Cast a hexagram 10oc 8sip
Kin 56
Sat 5/17/2025
J: 9/19/5785
   23 Deterioration
  Sensuality - 5 Guided by feelings5 Right Livelihood
Tgg 32    TRP
12 Hanged man
12 Lammed 11chuen 9sip
Kin 57
Sun 5/18/2025
J: 9/20/5785
   27 Nourishing
  Sensuality - 5 Guided by feelings5 Right Livelihood
Tga 33    UMBER
11 Force
11 Caph 12eb 10sip
Kin 58
Mon 5/19/2025
J: 9/21/5785
   4 Inexperience
  Sensuality - 5 Guided by feelings5 Right Livelihood
Tgt 34    CYS
10 Weel o.Fortune
10 Yod 13ben 11sip
Kin 59
Tue 5/20/2025
J: 9/22/5785
   41 Decline
  Sensuality - 5 Guided by feelings5 Right Livelihood
Tgc 35    CYS
10 Weel o.Fortune
10 Yod

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